Friday, April 26, 2013

20 Steps to a More Sustainable Lifestyle in Provo, UT - Hannah Payne

I chose to talk about sustainability in the lives of BYU students for two reasons: one, I think that we sometimes see environmental stewardship as this far-removed responsibility that only the government or important leaders have to worry about.  This is false, though—policy making starts with us.  We are responsible for the nation’s attitude about environmentalism and preserving our natural resources.  When we make an effort to make responsible choices, we are spreading our attitudes, setting examples, and contributing to managing our natural world in the best possible way.  Two, I thought it would be helpful and interesting to note what we specifically as college students in Provo can do to do our part.  I think that sometimes as students we don’t feel like we’re living real life yet and that there’s not really much we can do to help impact the environment, but as noted in my research, even seemingly small actions add up in a big way.  

20 Steps to a More Sustainable Lifestyle in Provo, UT

For my project, I underwent an experiment in sustainable living.  Here are 20 easy ways BYU students can transition to a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly way of living, tested by me. 

If we extended this philosophy to everything else we own, how much could we help to save the environment and preserve what we have for future generations? 

1. Switch to more environmentally-friendly feminine products.   
An estimated 12 billion feminine hygiene products are dumped into landfills in North American every year (1).  One of the greenest and most popular alternatives to pads and tampons is the menstrual cup. 
So as part of my experiment, I went out and bought one ($35 at Good Earth).  They’re made of silicon and can be used for years, so their environmental impact is much lower than tampons or pads.  It was kind of weird getting used to it, but I’d definitely recommend one.  This is the website for the one I bought:

2. Don’t use plastic bags when grocery shopping—instead, bring your own reusable ones. 
Plastic bags are plentiful in the U.S.—approximately 100 billion plastic grocery bags are used each year, and only about 1-2% of these are recycled (2). Plastic bags are actually being banned or limited across the world in order to cut back on waste (though not anywhere in Utah yet)—
I made a few of my own bags by recycling some old t-shirts (double the environmental benefits!).  Instructions can be found here:

3. Save paper—use the backs of papers instead of using a clean sheet of paper every time you need to write something down.
40% of the solid mass in landfills is paper and paperboard waste, and paper usage is rising about 20% ever year (3). Paper waste is definitely an area we can improve upon.
I dug out all my old handouts, fliers, syllabi, etc. that were destined for the trash and used them up.  It’s an easy change to make. 

4. Shop at D.I. and other thrift stores.
ABC News estimates that 98% of our clothing comes from foreign countries. This means that a great deal of energy is consumed in order for our clothes to be shipped to the U.S. In addition, at thrift stores, there isn’t the excess packaging you would find if you were to buy an item brand-new (4).
I got an armchair and a TV for my apartment from the D.I. in Provo—both cheap and both totally functional.

5.  Plant a garden.
When you grow your own food, you’re cutting down on herbicide and pesticide use, which can get into our water and cause harm.  In addition, a lot of our produce must be shipped from far away, meaning more energy consumed (5). 
Last summer, I rented a plot from the Provo community garden.  It’s only $20 to rent a plot, and you get a $15 rebate at the end of the summer if you clear it out yourself. Information about renting a plot can be found here:

6. Take advantage of websites like Freecycle, Craigslist,, and   
The idea behind these websites is to keep possessions you no longer want out of the trash and landfills.  Every year, the U.S. fills enough garbage trucks to form a line that would stretch from the Earth to half the distance to the moon (6). 
I decided to sign up on Freecycle to see what it was all about. Users can post wanted ads (things they are looking for) or offers (things they want to give away).  This way, you can either get free items you need from willing members if you can’t afford or prefer not to get it new, or get rid of clutter in your house that someone else can use.

7. Wash your laundry in cold water.
According to one source, 90% of the energy a washing machine uses is to heat up the water.  Pushing the “cold” button saves a great deal of energy (and money) (7).
Clothing gets just as clean as it would if it were washed in hot or warm water, and it’s a simple switch to make.

8. Unplug all your electronics when you’re not using them.
The International Energy Agency estimates that in a personal home, leaving electronics plugged in can be responsible for as much as 75% of a home’s electricity bill (8). 
Make it a habit to unplug all of your appliances when you’re not using them—it will help both the environment and your utility bill. 

9. Dry laundry outside. 
Clothing driers are the 3rd most energy-guzzling appliance in your home—ironic, because drying clothing is something you can do for free (9).  
Invest in a clothesline (or do like I did—I hung my clothes on the railing of my apartment complex), and cut back on energy usage (and avoid having to feed another dollar into the dryer machine). 

10. Get used textbooks or e-readers
125 million trees are harvested every year to print new books (10).
E-readers, many experts note, will be a huge benefit to the environment.  If you don’t have access to one, buying used books (or using the library) is another great option.  I buy all my books either used from the BYU bookstore or from Amazon. 

11. Take shorter showers.
According to Kohler, “cutting one minute off a shower every day saves 2.5 glaoons of water daily and 912 gallons yearly” (11). 
I love long showers, so this one was a little hard to want to put into practice, but it makes such a difference, and you end up shaving off time off your morning routine on top of it.    

12. Make your own cleaning products.
Cleaning supplies are full of chemicals that haven’t been studied as thoroughly as they should be.  They have the potential to get into our waterways, harming animals and the habitats they live in.  In addition, these chemicals are concentrated in your home—indoor pollution is just as big a concern as outdoor pollution (12).
All you need to make your own cleaning products are very basic ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.  Recipes can be found here:

13. Recycle!
Over 75% of our waste is recyclable, but we only end up recycling about 30% of it (13).  Even if your apartment doesn’t have a recycling bin, it’s not that hard to bag up your trash and take it to recycle bin in Provo.  And signing up for your own bins is very inexpensive anyway.  More information on where to drop off your recyclables:  And make sure to use the recycle bins on campus!

14. Walk or bike to school.
One car, in its lifetime, produces “1.3 billion cubic yards of polluted air and scatters an additional 40 pounds of worn tire particles, brake debris and worn road surface into the atmosphere” (14).  Walking, biking, or even taking public transportation when possible can have a huge impact on the environment.  To show my dedication to this tip, I even walked to school at night and when there were free parking spots available.  It wasn’t that bad though. 

15. Eat less meat.
Experts claim that anywhere from 18 to 51 percent of greenhouse gases are emitted from raising livestock for food (15).  We can help decrease these emissions by cutting down on the amount of meat we consume.  And you don’t have to go full-on vegetarian to help make an impact—just replacing a few meals with meatless options helps.
I decided to not eat any meat for a week and replaced all my normal menus with meatless options.  It wasn’t too bad, and it actually ended up being cheaper in the long run. 

16. Take care of your car.
As we talked about before, driving a car has a huge impact on the environment.  The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence recommends two things we can do to lessen this impact: practice better driving habits, and regular vehicle maintenance (16). 
Some ideas: don’t accelerate suddenly, don’t stall your car if you know you’re going to be a while, make sure to keep up on your oil and fluid changes (leakages lead to runoff into waterways and soil), keep your tires inflated and properly aligned (otherwise they have to work twice as hard and use more energy), and don’t wash your car by hand—take it to a car wash (they have the equipment necessary to dispose of the chemicals you use when washing). 

17. Turn off your lights. 
Lighting accounts for 17% of all electricity consumption in the U.S. and up to 50% of a building’s energy use (17). 
It’s simple—just turn out the lights when you leave a room. Better yet, use natural light as much as possible.  I found that if I kept all the blinds open, I didn’t have to turn on the lights until about 8:00 at night. 

18. Exercise.
Exercise has obvious benefits, but it has some hidden environmental ones as well.  Exercise, of course, keeps you healthy and free from disease, and disease is expensive in more than one way—“prescriptions, medical exams and doctors visits all come with significant eco costs.” 
And American hospitals “generate approximately 6,600 tons of waste daily. As much as 85 percent of that is non-hazardous solid waste, such as paper, cardboard, food waste, metal, glass and plastics, according to Practice Green Health” (18).
To try this tip out, I signed up for a half marathon this summer and made a workout plan for myself. It is hell, but the payoffs are worth it. 
19. Use a reusable water bottle. 
According to one source, “roughly 1.5 million tons of plastic are expended in the bottling of 89 billion liters of water each year” (19).  On top of that, most of the water we buy in bottles is actually just tap water anyway. 
Just buy a reusable water bottle! Painless and cheap. 

20. Change the way you think about consumerism. 
Our culture places a lot of value on having the newest, best, most innovative technology and possessions.  We buy new phones, new computers, new clothing not because what we currently have is no longer functional, but because we have to have the latest and newest of everything. 
The picture I used for this principle is my 2007 Nano iPod. It’s been stepped on, dropped, run through the washer multiple times.  Sometimes I wish I had a better one, but I keep it because it still works just as well as a newer one. 

Superfund and The Lorax - Sarah Brown

For my piece I chose to do a short video that shows images of superfund sites and locations that have been adversely affected by mining or contamination. David Maisel, a brilliant photographer whose work has been praised for raising awareness about Superfund and mining sites, took the images. I paired these images with video footage of my roommate. I painted her face as a visual demonstration of the spread of pollutants in ecosystems. I chose to use a human subject because I also wanted to show the relationship between each individual and hazardous wastes. The model’s face is never fully restored to her original cleanliness. This is similar to how  remedial efforts are conducted.

 To quote Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not,” I feel like this quote  poetically summarizes the environmental policy and law class, this video project, and the Superfund program. The responsibility to ensure our environment is healthy and safe lies with each person. It doesn’t happen on its own.

Link To MY Superfund Video 

Biking In All Of Its Glory - Tara Jibson

What is an environmentalist anyway? I identify as one myself, and I can point a finger at people who I consider not being environmentalists, but what really is the difference? Do I live any differently than they do? Is it just because I like to play outside and bathe in dirt that I feel like I can have claim to this title?

I believe in biking. I could find and reiterate all the statistics about carbon emissions and gallons of gasoline wasted and the impact of cars on air quality, but I think it suffices to say that automobiles create environmental issues. Considering that many car rides are trips that are under two miles, I think people ought to take advantage of the most efficient (and enjoyable!) mode of transportation man has invented: the bicycle. I really do believe that biking is good for people, good for the environment, and good for the economy. Rather than guilt-tripping others into riding their bikes to school instead of driving, with all of all those statistics of environmental damage, I try rather to take the approach of getting them stoked on all the awesome perks of biking.

Maybe if more people saw the appeal of bikes for truly all they have to offer, then more people would choose to put down the keys and pick up a helmet. Then if more people were riding, there would be a greater demand and push for better biking-conducive city plans. Then even more people would ride and that would be a good thing. So my video is in response to Tobin and Elissa’s post “Why do you ride?”

Link To My Animated Biking Short(s)

The Environmental Impacts of Illegal Immigration - Benjamin Hawkins

I chose to research a growing issue involving illegal immigration, but instead of focusing on the political, social, and economic sides of the issue, I chose to focus on the environmental impact of illegal immigration on the deserts of Southern Arizona. I created a slideshow presentation as well as a 3+ minute video detailing the facts and issue at hand.

The reason I chose this project was because I am from Southern Arizona (Tucson specifically) and I am an avid outdoorsman. I have grown up around illegal immigration and have witnessed it first hand in the deserts of Southern Arizona. I have personally seen illegal immigrants cross the border, as well as the massive amounts of litter left in the desert. So this topic has a somewhat personal undertone with me, and especially when you consider that I served my mission in North Central Mexico. I also feel that this topic is especially important to our Environmental Policy and Law class, because it deals with many dimensions of the law, and also the problem posed by illegal immigrants dealing with the aspect of environmental effects caused by the illegal trafficking.

As a result of all my research, I have learned quite a bit about the border situation and the effect illegal immigration has on the environment. Specifically, and maybe surprisingly is the fact that we currently are not able to clean up the trash fast enough to make a positive effect on the amount of trash being left in the desert. I have seen camps and resting areas for illegal immigrants in the desert, but I guess I have not, until now, realized that illegal immigration can and is having a negative effect on the environment and preservation of the Sonoran desert, with all of its associated flora and fauna, in Southern Arizona.

Link To My Presentation and Video

Earth Interviews - Jon Hardy

 I wanted to do a somewhat comical interview featuring several birds, and ask them questions about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It was a really fun project I wrote up all the character designs and made a small script, with several questions that each character answered. The character I created is inspired by the common pheasant. ( I chose  the pheasant for fun, since it’s a bird that isn't protected by the act).

The overall theme of my piece is somewhat cynical.  An interviewer questions a pheasant about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, but it goes completely out of control. The pheasant is terribly upset because it isn’t one of the birds protected by the MBTA, and thinks it outrageous that he isn’t protected because he doesn’t migrate. In a whirlwind outpouring of emotion, the pheasant gets a grip on things and decides to go out and migrate instead of letting the lack of legal protection get him down.

There are hundreds even thousands of laws out there. Sometimes, like the pheasant in the comic that I drew, we wish that we could bend a law to make it more in our own favor. We may even think spitefully of a law because it benefits someone else and not ourselves. However, in the end, there is usually a good underlying reason for a law to be laid out, even with the (what may seem “flawed”) stipulations, and we just need to accept that.

Once, Twice, Tree Times a Re-Usable Bag - Makena Madsen

I decided to focus on the issue of plastic bags, and their excess use they have in this world. More specifically I researched the ban on plastic bags that has been implemented in various cities in California. For example, in my home town of Santa Cruz, California, not only are plastic bags banned, but they charge $.025 if you use a paper bag. This fee on paper bags and ban on plastic encourages shoppers to use their re-useable bags while shopping. For my project I decided to create my own re-usable bag out of materials that I already had. I found old plastic bags laying around my apartment, cut the bags in strips to make “yarn”, and then knitted the plastic yarn together to make a bag solely out of plastic. I then created a video which demonstrated that plastic bags can harm the environment, and then showed how I made my own bag out of plastic and how rather than throwing away your plastic bags, you can turn them into something useful. 

Link to my video

The Nepalesak Chronicle - Public Education and the Environment - Emily Hammond

I chose to create a newspaper. It is set in the present dated April 15, 2013 but in a fake place. It is supposed to be somewhere in the more eastern United States due to some of the references made in the articles. I decided to do this project this way because I wanted to explore more about how environmental laws could be implemented in a real newspaper and to find ways that the law can affect a person in just a small regular everyday town. I kept everything in the newspaper very environmentally oriented, even the title of the newspaper was environmental law: Nepalesak = NEPA + L + ESA +K.

If the public knew more about what efforts were begin made to help protect the environment, I think a good number of those who knew would join the effort. That is why I wrote an article about children learning about Earth Day because that is a big source of knowledge and involvement when it comes to improving the environment.